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Wilthorpe Primary School Aim high and never give up

Y5 5AO/5DE

Transition Booklets

Welcome to Year 5


Welcome to Year 5!


Our teachers are Mr Etherington (5DE) and Miss Oldknow (5AO)



At Wilthorpe Primary School we believe in the importance of home learning as well as learning at school. To support this we provide weekly homework including: spellings, topic work, maths and English, so that children can consolidate their learning at home. Homework is sent out on a Friday and is expected back the following Friday. We also encourage children and parents/guardians to read together at home to encourage a joy of reading as well as developing reading skills. 



This year our topics will be: 

Autumn: Odyssey

Spring: Surviving Extremes

Summer: Invaders, Raiders and Traders.

PE and Games

PE day is Monday (indoor) and Wednesday (outdoor), so children and parents should ensure that pupils have their PE kits for that day including trainers for when PE is outside. 

PE kit consists of a plain white t-shirt, plain black shorts, and trainers for outside. In winter children can wear fleece tops and jogging bottoms for outside lessons. 

Children can not wear earrings or watches for PE and we recommend removing these at home before school on PE days. 

Autumn Term : Odyssey

During the Autumn term we explore a land of myths, monsters, gods and heroes as we delve into the past and visit Ancient Greece in all its majesty!

We will learn all about the fantastic and diverse Greek culture and discover the wide range of effects they have had on western civilization even to today. 

The Ancient Greeks have offered so much to the world and we will take time to admire and appreciate their culture including their inventions, discoveries, ideas and stories.

English: we will be reading, writing and investigating the exciting myths of Ancient Greece. (As well as looking into the work of our class authors.)

Maths: we will learn about some of the intellectuals of Ancient Greece and their contributions to mathematics.

Science: we will be exploring our solar system, its layout, and the planets within it.

History: we will discover the Ancient Greeks and their extensive contributions to western culture.

Geography: we will be using atlases and maps to investigate the geography of Greece and how it differs from our own.

Computing: we will be looking at creating movies (including adding text, music and sound effects) using imovie and other apps (e.g. icananimate).

Art: we will explore the architecture of the Ancient Greeks and learn the art of perspective drawing.

DT: we will use a range of skills to sew our own monsters based on our work in English lessons.

RE: we will be discussing and exploring Christianity, including the life of James Hudson Taylor, a Barnsley missionary. 

Music: 30 children will be given the chance to learn the ukulele; the other children will learn about music theory and practice in our Charanga sessions (based on rock and Jazz music). 

PE: children will learn tennis and further develop gymnastic skills. 

Languages: Spanish will be taught using Language Angels. 




Odyssey: our learning journey

Spring Term: Surviving Extremes

For our second school term we will be braving blistering heat; diving to great depths; scaling fantastic peaks; and exploring the lost jewels of the world in our Surviving Extremes topic. Children will learn about some of the most beautiful and harshest places of the world and how people live or venture there. We will also be discovering all about the geography of the planet and learning some essential survival skills and knowledge!

English: we will be reading the classic tale of Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe, and even creating our own survival stories. We will also look at creating detailed non-fictions pieces such as survival guides and non-chronological reports.

Maths: we will continue to develop a range of mathematical skills and knowledge.

Science: we will be investigating animals from different habitats including: adaptation and survival techniques, but with a focus on life-cycles.

History: we will learn about some of the most famous explorers and adventurers and their challenges and successes.

Geography: we will investigate habitats and biomes from around the world in great depth as well as learning some essential map reading skills. 

Computing: we will learn to use the internet safely and effectively to carry out research and present information using a range of media.

Art: children will be modelling using different mediums such as clay.

DT: children will research, design, create and market an energy bar fit for intrepid explorers.

RE: we will be exploring the culture and beliefs of Sikhism.

Music: we will create dramatic soundscapes using a range of instruments as well as how we can record music in different forms of notation.

PE: we will be learning a range of world dances, as well as learning the rules and skills to play rugby.

Surviving Extremes: our learning journey

Summer Term: Invaders, Raiders and Traders

During the summer term we will discovering how Britain has been changed by the invasions of the Anglo-Saxons and the Vikings. We will be exploring the culture, beliefs and history of these fearsome people and how they have altered our little island during their time here. We will learn of gods and monsters; great heroes and warriors; fantastic sagas; and a culture which helped create our own. Let's meet some of the bravest travelers, explorers and settlers to ever walk and sail the Earth.

English: we will dive into another piece of classic literature. One of the oldest and most important texts in British history, the thrilling tale of the Saxon hero Beowulf. Our writing will be based on this text throughout the term.

Maths: children will continue to push themselves in developing their problem solving and reasoning skills. 

Science: we will be exploring forces and investigating the properties of materials including mixtures and solutions.

History: children will explore the culture, stories and lifestyle of the Anglo-Saxons and the vikings, hopefully including an exciting visit to the Jorvik center in York.

Geography: we will discover and investigate the changes that were made to British geography by the arrival of the Scandinavian invaders.

Computing: we will be using programs on the computer in order to learn and practice computer aided design skills. 

Art: children will learn about some of the famous artists of the past.

DT: children will design and create their own Viking village as well as having the opportunity to design and create ships.

RE: we will explore the cultures and beliefs of the Islamic faith.

Music: we will dive into the history of music and explore how it has changed over time.

PE: children will take part in multi-sports activities as well as learning the basics of cricket.

Invaders, Raiders and Traders: our learning journey

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