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Wilthorpe Primary School Aim high and never give up

Attendance/Leave of Absence and Punctuality

100% attendance at school is extremely important to ensure all pupils achieve their full academic potential. We recognise that good attendance and punctuality is crucial to raising standards and pupil attainment.

Any absence affects the pattern of a child’s schooling and regular absence will seriously affect their learning.

Leave of Absence Requests

A parent/carer should complete an absence request form (available from the school office and below) and submit this to the school at least two weeks prior to the first date of absence.


The Headteacher may not authorise any leave of absence to pupils during term time unless they consider there to be 'exceptional circumstances'. This is decided on a case by case basis.


If the school is aware of any language difficulties that may preclude a request form being completed, appropriate support will be offered to the parent/carer.


Please see the Attendance Policy for further information or contact our Attendance Officer Miss J Newsome via the school office. 



Leave of Absence Request Form

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