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Wilthorpe Primary School Aim high and never give up

Relationship and Sex Education



The Department for Education states that by Summer 2021, all Primary Schools must teach Relationships Education and Health Education.


Rationale for changes

  • To help prepare our children for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life.
  • Give children the knowledge and capacity to make sound decisions when facing risks and complex contexts.
  • To provide children with the knowledge that will enable them to make informed decisions about their wellbeing, health and relationships.
  • To support children in developing resilience and to ensure they know how and when to ask for help and where to access support if needed.


Relationship Education Themes:

The new guidance sets out 5 themes that are to be covered as part of statutory Relationships Education in primary schools. These are:

  • Families and people who care for me
  • Caring friendships
  • Respectful relationships
  • Online relationships
  • Being safe

Health Education

Physical health and mental wellbeing education is now statutory in primary and secondary schools.
These subject areas are split into 8 themes:

  1. Mental well being
  2. Internet safety
  3. Physical health and fitness    
  4. Healthy eating
  5. Drugs, alcohol and tobacco 
  6. Health and prevention
  7. Basic first aid 
  8. Changing adolescent body

 (Parents cannot withdraw children from these lessons)


Sex Education (Primary)

The new statutory requirements do not extend to sex education at KS 1 and 2 (beyond the biological/reproductive aspects schools are already required to cover in science)

The Department for Education ‘continues to recommend that all primary schools should have a sex education programme tailored to the age and the physical and emotional maturity of the pupils

We believe it is important to teach sex education in order to best equip our children with the facts they need to be safe. 
Right to be excused from sex education (commonly referred to as the right to withdraw): 

The 5 themes of Relationship Education are statutory, and parents do not have the right to withdraw their children from these lessons.

However, under the new legislation, parents will still have the right to withdraw their child from all or parts of the Relationships Education curriculum that relate to sex education. However, any part of the curriculum covered by the National Curriculum, i.e. the objectives covered in science and computing, is compulsory for all children.

The science curriculum is also statutory, which includes naming external body parts, the human body as it grows from birth to old age (including puberty) and reproduction in some plants and animals.


At Wilthorpe we will be teaching the Relationship and Sex Education element of the PHSE curriculum from Monday 21st June. In the documentation below (PSHE National Curriculum and Learning Objectives) you will be able to see what your child will be learning. The objectives highlighted are those that as parents/carers you have the option to withdraw your child/ren. If after reading these objectives you wish to withdraw your child, please complete the form under the heading Parent/Carer Withdrawal Form and return to school via the school parent email. If you have any additional questions please also email through the same address.


Please ensure school has your Notice to Withdrawal Form prior to Tuesday 4th June, otherwise school will understand that you are happy for your child/ren to participate in these lesson.

Relationship and Sex Education Policy

PSHE National Curriculum and Learning Objectives

RSE Ground Rules for each class

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