Welcome to 2LB & 2LG
Welcome to the Year 2 page
Teachers - Mrs Bessell and Miss Gill
Learning Assistants - Mrs Birkinshaw, Mrs Kenworthy and Mrs Kirk
For updates and homework please join our Class Dojo App. Speak to the office staff at Reception to get the code to join.
Read on for some useful information about our classes...
Please make sure your child comes to school wearing the correct uniform and that it has their name inside. We always try to return cardigans and jumpers to their rightful owners but this is very difficult when there is no name inside! The Lost Property box gets very full as the term goes on so please help us in this matter by ensuring you name all their uniform.
PE Days...
PE days are every Monday, and currently Thursdays too. Please ensure your child brings the correct kit - plain black shorts, plain white T-shirt, pumps or trainers. All kit must be named.
Outdoor Learning...
Y2 classes will be taking part in a Forest Schools & Outdoor Learning session once per week on a Thursday, in the Summer term. This is due to the field being very muddy over Winter. Further details of this will be sent out separately.
Classes visit the library regularly. They spend time in the library with an adult and get chance to read lots of new books. Pupils often choose a book to take home and read, before returning it to school.
Children follow the Read, Write, Inc. spelling scheme. Teachers inform parents of the words they are working on in classes.
Homework is set every term. The children can choose from a number of tasks to complete linked to their learning that term. Homework can be submitted via Dojo or to the class teacher.
Autumn Term - Hot, Hot, Hot!
Spring Term - Brr...it's cold!
Summer Term - Into the Darkness