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Wilthorpe Primary School Aim high and never give up

Y4 4DH/4GW

Transition Booklets

Welcome to 4GW/4DH

          4GW - Miss Wright

       4DH - Mr Hague

TAs - Mrs Holmes & Mrs Kiryluk


Welcome to the page for Y4!


Autumn Term - Roaming Romans


Our first topic will see us return to Britain and explore the impact of Roman invasion and rule.  


English - We will be linking our English lessons to our topic lessons. This will include writing diaries as Roman soldiers at Hadrian's Wall, 

Science - Our topic for the autumn will see us classifying animals.  

History - We will be investigating the impact of the Roman empire on the people and landscape of Britain. 

Geography - Linking to our work on Pompeii in both history and English, we will be looking at volcanoes.  

Computing - The children will learn about how the internet works.  

Art - We will be creating our own mosaics, based on Roman styles, and will also improve our pencil drawing techniques by drawing a variety of still life pictures. 

DT - We will be making and designing pavilions. 

RE - We will be looking at Christianity and Hinduism.  

Music - The children will begin their journey in learning the basics of the ocarina (along with singing lessons each Wednesday morning). 

PE - We will be improving our gymnastic skills and mastering various shots - backhand and forehand - in tennis. 

Languages - We will be learning Spanish, including basic classroom commands and greetings.  



Spring Term - Sands of Time


English - We will use the video Tadeo Jones as an inspiration for our story-writing. The children will also use the Biblical story of the Exodus to write newspaper articles and diaries about the 10 plagues. 

Science - We will be delving into the science of sound.

History - We will be learning about various aspects of ancient Egypt, from the importance of the river Nile to daily life, to learning about some of the various gods they believed in. 

Geography - Linking to our work on the Nile in history, we will be taking a closer look at rivers.  

Computing - We will be improving our coding skills using Turtle Academy. 

Art - We will be making artwork inspired by Egyptian hieroglyphics and cartouches. 

RE - The children will learn about Buddhism, including the story of the Buddha's life; as well as looking at the Christian Easter story.  

Music - The children will continue to improve their ocarina technique, learning more complex songs.  

PE - We will be returning to dance and gymnastics in our indoor PE sessions. We will also be going swimming at the Metrodome. 

Languages - We will develop our Spanish skills by learning about fruits and vegetables. 


Summer Term - Only the Brave  


English - We will be reading James and the Giant Peach as well as using 'The Lighthouse' animation to inspire our writing.  

Science - Shockingly, electricity and the states of matter will be our focus in science lessons. 

History - We will continue our work on Egyptians before moving on to looking at the history of Whitby. 

Geography - We will investigate the geography of coastal regions, including a focus on Whitby specifically. 

Computing - We will be focusing on improving our video editing scores. 

Art - Not only will we be working with clay, we will also be developing our painting skills, with seascapes being our focus. 

DT - We will use our knowledge of electricity to develop torches in DT. 

RE - The children will be continuing to learn about Buddhism

Music - Our ocarina journey will culminate in a performance of a variety of songs learned this year in a special assembly. 

PE - Rounders, cricket and athletics will be our focus in PE lessons.

Languages - Our Spanish skills will be developed further with a focus on building vocabulary about the classroom and visiting a tea room. 


Important Information and Key Dates:

* Indoor PE - Tuesday

* Outdoor PE - Thursday

(We advise you to bring your kit in on Monday and take it home on Friday)


* On the following dates, children will need their swimming gear. Children will not need PE kits on Thursday on these dates as this will stand-in for the outdoor PE session: 


Wednesday 26th February 2025

Wednesday 5th March 2025

Wednesday 12th March 2025

Wednesday 19th March 2025

Wednesday 26th March 2025

Wednesday 2nd April 2025

Wednesday 23rd April 2025

Wednesday 30th April 2025


* Pupils' clothing should be labelled with their name and class to enable items to be easily returned.


* No mobile phones in school.





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