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Wilthorpe Primary School Aim high and never give up

Useful Information for Parents/Carers

Here you will find some useful information about our school.  Copies of all school policies as well as up to date news can be found on the school website.  If you would like a paper copy of these please call into one of the offices.


If you wish to contact school please use 01226 288676 or email



Doors Open:                                          8.35am Stars             8.45am Moon

Doors Close/Registration                         8.40am Stars              8.50am Moon

School Finishes:                                     3.05pm Stars              3.15pm Moon

This will equate to 32.5 hours per week of learning. 


Arriving and Leaving School

Children up to and including year 3 must be brought into school and picked up from school by a known adult. 


Please note that there is no playground supervision for children before or after school. The school accepts no responsibility for use of the playground and playground structures such as the pirate ship or trim trail at these times.  If your child attends an after-school club, they must be collected from school by a known adult.


Car parking facilities are restricted for use by staff and visitors only. Disabled Parking is available at both buildings for blue badge holders.



The school uses the School Gateway App as a communication medium, this app can be downloaded from the App store or Google play.  It can also be used to:

  • Order and pay for a school dinner
  • Pay for things like trips, music lessons, clubs, etc
  • Send school a message


School will regularly email Newsletters to parents/carers with important information and dates for your diaries, please make sure we have an up-to-date email address.


School Meals

School meals are cooked on the premises and are free for all children up to and including Year 2.  Children are asked what they would like for lunch at morning registration, they can change to a packed lunch option at any time.  Parents can pre-order meals via the School Gateway app, menus are also available to view on the school website.  The cost of a school meal is £2.40.


Packed Lunches

Children may bring a packed lunch from home.  This should be stored in a lunch box with a drink in either a carton or plastic container.  Glass bottles or cans are not allowed.  Wilthorpe promotes a healthy diet as part of children’s health education, and therefore sweets and chocolate bars are not to be included in a packed lunch.  Please make sure that your child is able to open the packaging themselves.



School milk is available during the day, it is offered free to children under 5, if you wish to pay for your child to receive milk after they turn 5 then please register at



Children are encouraged to drink water throughout the day. Could you please provide your child with a water bottle filled freshly each day. If necessary, bottles can be refilled during the day.  Please note dilute pop/flavoured water is not permitted.



A free piece of fruit/vegetable is provided daily for your child in early years to year 2 and we encourage children to try different things. Please inform school if you do not wish your child to receive this fruit/vegetable.


Free School Meals (Pupil Premium)

Does your child qualify for free school meals?

Your child will qualify for free schools’ meals if you're receiving one of the following benefits:

  • income support
  • income based job seekers allowance
  • income related employment and support allowance
  • guarantee element of state pension credit
  • child tax credit with no working tax credit and have an income as assessed by the Inland Revenue that does not exceed £16,190 (subject to change annually)
  • support under Part 1V of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999.
  • universal credit


To apply please complete the online form at

Any child who has been in receipt of the free school meals benefit at any time whilst at Wilthorpe Primary School will receive additional funding called Pupil Premium grant which will pay for things like after school clubs, trips as well as getting extra support in class.


Prescribed Medication

School staff can only administer medication that is prescribed by a doctor, dentist or pharmacist and must have the instruction label attached.  Parents/carers must complete an Administering Medication form giving details of how and when any medication should be given.  Medicines, such as antibiotics, should be handed into the office each morning and collected from there at the end of school.  If medicines are not brought in or left in school overnight then we are not permitted to administer these any further as the number of days indicated by the doctor will not have been adhered to.   Permission forms are available on the school website or in the office or downloaded from the Parents section on the website.


After School Clubs

The school provides opportunities for the children to participate in a variety of after school activities such as; football, gymnastics, multi sports, tennis, dance, etc. A letter home each half term will identify the clubs on offer and the costs. Spaces in these clubs are allocated on a first come first served basis.  Reception class children can start accessing these clubs after they turn 5 years old.  All children attending a club must be collected by a known adult.


Paying Money to School

We operate a cashless system and encourage parents to pay any money to school via the school gateway at or download the app.  As well as paying for things like trips, clubs, you can send/receive messages to/from school.


Before and After School Child Care

Wakitu Kids provide a before and after school club. 

For more information please go to their website


Absence from School

If your child is unable to come to school you should notify the school as early as possible giving the reason for the absence.  In order to safeguard children it is the school’s policy to text parents/carers regarding a child’s unexplained absence by 9.30am.  If no response is received by 10am then a telephone call will be made to the contacts we have in order of priority.  If your child is late and misses registration then they must report to reception to receive their mark and order a school dinner or the above procedure will be followed.  If your child is absent for 3 days or more then a ‘safe and well’ visit to home will be made.


If you wish to take your child out of school during term time then you must complete a Leave of Absence form in advance, this can be downloaded from the school website or available from either Reception.  Please note all holidays are unauthorised and may result in a fine.


Mobile Phones and Tablets

For safeguarding reasons the use of mobile phones or tablets is not permitted anywhere on school premises.  


Children are not permitted to bring these devices into school. 


Action to be taken for a bump to the head:

  • The child must be assessed by a First Aider
  • If the child is asymptomatic and has NO bump, swelling, bruise, mark of any kind, dizziness, headache, nausea/vomiting and the child appears well – complete a bump note and the accident book and give the child a bumped head sticker (not necessary for older children), a phone call to parent/carer is not needed.
  • Report to class teacher
  • Staff to observe – if pupil begins to display Minor Head Injury symptoms, follow the actions below.
  • Bumped head note to be handed to parent/carer at the end of school.

Minor Head Injury with no loss of consciousness

A minor head injury causes bumps, swellings or bruises on the exterior of the head.  Other symptoms include dizziness, headache, nausea or vomiting


•             Child must be seen by a First Aider, ice pack/cold compress applied if there is a swelling

•             Give the child a bumped head sticker (not necessary for older children)

•             Complete the accident book and a bumped head note

•             Phone call home to inform parent/carer of the accident and any symptoms

•             Child to be observed by staff in class

•             Bumped head note sent home with child

All accidents involving other parts of the body that result in a cut or graze do not need a bumped head note or a call to a parent/carer unless the accident is severe and they need sending home.  Teachers should inform parent/carers of younger children that they have had an accident that has resulted in a mark when they are collected at the end of school.


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